Bookie Services

Good PayPerHead Bookie Services are out There
Why are bookies looking for pay per head bookie services? If you are a bookie, there is one thing that you know for sure, this gig is not as easy as many people say it is. If you want to be successful and earn a great income there are a couple of trade secrets that we are willing to share.
We have been in your shoes and we know what you are going through. PayPerHead Bookie Services are well worth the money if they are a quality operation.
What’s The Hard Stuff?
- Keeping your clients loyal. This is a big one and one that we think should be on top of any list. You must keep your clients loyal if you want to earn big profits but how do you do it? Players can be weird people. We all know this because we have been players ourselves. Think back to all of the times you gambled on sports. (you can’t remember half), however, you can certainly remember much of it and you know what your habits were as a gambler.
- Players will bounce around from online bookie to online bookie because they think they are jinxed with you. Of course, we know this is absurd, but it happens. Can you stop this? It’s difficult, but what you can do is offer the best possible service and the most options to your players. You must give them a wide range of betting options that include a huge wagering menu.
- Players love to feel like they are playing on a big-time site. Give them this feeling. Provide it for them and they will keep coming back. If it looks like you have money, they want to beat you! You want them to have this attitude. You want them to think they can beat you.
- The everyday grunt work is what local bookies hate the most and this list is long. We won’t cover everything but let’s talk about some of the items on the list.
- Setting events every day. This is a big task, it’s involved, and it takes time. You want to offer every sport you can, and you want to offer a wide variety of wagering options. This means that you must be highly organized. You must work the night before, and early in the morning and on holidays, and every day.
- You must set the daily lines and odds. This is also a big task and a daily undertaking. You may or may not have experience as an oddsmaker or you may choose to follow someone that is. This can be a big mistake and it can cost you profits. You must learn how to set the lines and odds in a way to earn money. This is why you are in the business, to begin with.
- You must accept all wagers from any betting client at any time of the day or night! You won’t do this and let’s be honest, you are not doing it. Who would want to do this? nobody. You must also grade all best slips and balance all player accounts daily. You are your accountant, and you must know where every dollar is at all times, when you have won, and when you have lost.

Are You Starting to See a Trend?
- We know that life as a bookie can be difficult, but we have a solution. Find a fantastic, top of the line pay per head and let them do all of this work for you.
- A great pay per head is easy to use and affordable at around $7 per head, per week, for active players.
- The PPH will build you a FREE gaming website that includes a state of the art sportsbook, a Las Vegas-style casino, and a world-class racebook.
The PPH does everything for you and you can be operational in a day or two. You will pay nothing now and you do not have to make a huge deposit. All you need to do is make the call and tell them you want in and ask them for all the details. A friendly agent will talk you through the process. Earning big profits as an online bookie is easy, as a local bookie… Yea, not so much. Make the call and start earning what you are worth.